
mardi 20th septembre 2022

Investing in Winners

The world faces a monumental challenge over the next decade in order to avoid more than 1.5C of warming and there’s increasing recognition of...
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mardi 12th juillet 2022

The Right Fit

The Apparel industry has been subject to major market forces: the pandemic accelerated online penetration by 5-10 years, new marketplace and resale models have...
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mercredi 22nd juin 2022

Sobering up

Spirits and beer brands know things need to change. People are drinking less and buying differently. The industry must respond quickly to this incoming...
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jeudi 17th février 2022

Private Equity & Transactions 2021

2021 was a record year for transactions globally – as activity remained exceptionally strong despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID pandemic, global supply chain issues...
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mercredi 2nd février 2022

Making Direct Contact

The traditional barriers between consumers and content producers are breaking down. To remain relevant in the future, all broadcasters require a strategy and operating model to...
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mercredi 19th janvier 2022

Trading Places

Just fifteen years ago, the biggest threat to traditional commerce was the internet. Brands that were quick to launch transactional websites (and later apps)...
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vendredi 17th décembre 2021

Speedometer 2021

À l’instar de nombreux autres secteurs, l’industrie automobile a été profondément impactée par la pandémie de COVID-19.
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mardi 2nd novembre 2021

Place à l’environnement

Cette onzième édition du Classement des Enseignes révèle que la pandémie a changé significativement les habitudes d’achat du consommateur français.
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vendredi 24th septembre 2021

Highs and Lows

In this year's annual study of the FMCG Global 50 we see that while the Global 50 have seen growth slow, they have outpaced...
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lundi 12th avril 2021

Battery late than never

The world of automotive, like many others, has been profoundly affected by COVID-19. But the automotive sector was already undergoing a period of unprecedented...
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lundi 29th mars 2021

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace represents one of the most widely publicised and credible threats to traditional classified business models to have emerged in recent years
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mercredi 17th février 2021

Hitting reset on luxury fashion

The luxury fashion industry is undergoing an important phase of transformation, initiated before the pandemic and now accelerated by it
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mardi 16th février 2021

Private Equity & Transactions 2020

While 2020 was a turbulent year for the world, private equity activity remained very resilient – with the strong slowdown in activity in Q2 as...
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mercredi 11th novembre 2020

The true cost of upheaval

Our latest Food & Drink Top 150 report, produced in partnership with The Grocer, shows a return to stability for the biggest food and...
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mercredi 28th octobre 2020

Into the vortex

The most critical trend we observe today in software companies is a growing tendency for SaaS ‘power brands’ to keep on winning. Here's the...
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mardi 22nd septembre 2020

Ready for the storm

Our latest annual study of the Global 50 FMCG giants shows that whilst Covid-19 has driven huge changes across the consumer goods industry which...
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