
mercredi 22nd mai 2024

Training Transformed – The Skills Gap, AI, and the New Corporate Classroom

The landscape of the Learning and Development (L&D) industry is currently undergoing significant transformation. This change is propelled by a combination of robust market...
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mardi 14th mai 2024

Embedded Finance – Opportunities for ERP and payroll SaaS providers

Embedded finance presents a significant opportunity for SaaS ERP and payroll providers. Our research indicates that businesses who invest in embedded finance solutions can...
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mercredi 20th mars 2024

Cybersecurity’s next winners – Specialist Service Partners and MSPs/VARS

Cyber security is notoriously high-growth and acyclical so it rightly attracts significant attention from investors. However, the space is increasingly complex and rapidly changing....
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mardi 30th janvier 2024

Facing the Fashion Future

Our Brazilian and British offices have joined forces to understand the pace of the fashion industry's transformation across Latam, the US, and Europe. 
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lundi 22nd janvier 2024

Private Equity & Transactions 2023

For sector insights and a snapshot of our 2023 Private Equity and Transactions activity see our latest report.
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vendredi 15th décembre 2023

The next wave of digital marketplaces

In our second marketplaces annual report, we’ve conducted a major study of the world's top 250 digital marketplaces by gross merchandise value (GMV) to...
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jeudi 2nd novembre 2023

The OC&C Global 50 2023

2022 was a year of rampant inflation – but the largest consumer goods businesses were able to drive record revenue growth by successfully passing...
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jeudi 16th mars 2023

From rags to riches

Fifteen years ago, when we heard the word ‘second-hand’, car boot sales and charity shops sprung to mind. Today, it’s come to mean something very...
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lundi 20th février 2023

Doing more with less

Overproduction is a long-lasting, deep-rooted problem for brands. 15-45 billion items of clothing produced every year are wasted, mostly ending up in landfill or incinerated. This...
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jeudi 16th février 2023

Private Equity & Transactions 2022

A summary of 2022 Private Equity & Transactions activity by sector.
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mercredi 8th février 2023

Le retour aux essentiels

La publication de la 12e édition du Classement OC&C des enseignes s’inscrit dans une année mouvementée, avec des taux d’inflation records, une baisse du...
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jeudi 19th janvier 2023

Opportunities & New Frontiers in Pet

In our latest consumer insight, we partner with global investment bank and M&A specialist Harris Williams to dig deep into the pet market.
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lundi 19th décembre 2022

Succeeding in a squeeze

With inflation at its highest rate in over 40 years, and consumers reassessing their spending, businesses will have to work harder – and smarter...
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jeudi 10th novembre 2022

Hitting the brakes

Our 3rd annual Speedometer report follows up our research in 2019 and 2021. We have drawn on a survey of over 9000 consumers across...
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mardi 8th novembre 2022

The forecourt of the future

Electric vehicle (EV) adoption across Europe is unstoppable. For fuel station forecourts this presents great change and opportunity in equal measure. In our latest...
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lundi 10th octobre 2022

The OC&C Global 50 2022

In our 20th edition of the Global 50 report, we take a look at how the world’s 50 largest FMCG businesses have fared whilst...
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