We’re willing to go the extra mile for our pets.
As a result, the category is well-established and resilient with a track record of long-run growth, reinforced by high margins and room for further innovation.
We’ve partnered with global investment bank and M&A specialist Harris Williams to dig deep into the market to explore the current landscape, identify new frontiers, and assess the latest valuation and transactional impacts of this evolving category.
Erhalten Sie die neuesten Nachrichten und Erkenntnisse direkt in Ihren Posteingang.
Abonniere jetztWe’re willing to go the extra mile for our pets.
As a result, the category is well-established and resilient with a track record of long-run growth, reinforced by high margins and room for further innovation.
We’ve partnered with global investment bank and M&A specialist Harris Williams to dig deep into the market to explore the current landscape, identify new frontiers, and assess the latest valuation and transactional impacts of this evolving category.
Erhalten Sie die neuesten Nachrichten und Erkenntnisse direkt in Ihren Posteingang.
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