Matt Coode


他的零售咨询业务涵盖了零售全体系,从品类拓展、价值定位设计和落实,到市场进入渠道和运营流程。他帮助我们的客户开发具有执行性的策略,这些策略具有挑战性但同时兼顾操作中的实际情况和公司文化。 他目前综合了这些专长,帮助跨欧洲大陆的零售商设计执行转型和扭亏为盈的计划。


Javelin Group – Lloyds Banking Group Wholesale and International Banking – MA Geography, Cambridge University

We believe that successful strategy blends science and art. The most value is created when the outputs of rigorous analysis are translated into a clear and simple language that the entire organisation understands and is fully bought in to delivering.